Setting > Ottawa

Ottawa Settings

I just loved the style and the tone used in the advertisement pamphlet For Tourists and Sportsmen published by the Russell Hotel to promote their hotel and Ottawa more...

Old Centre Block - Parliament Hill (pre 1916)
At the time it was one of the largest construction projects in North America. The final cost was about 1.7 million dollars. There was criticism that the buildings would be far too big for such a small country more...

Rideau Hall
During the period in my novel Rideau Hall, the Governor General’s residence, would reach the height of its glory as the centre of political and social life in Ottawa more...

Château Laurier
The Château Laurier is one of the key settings in Fire on the Hill. It is where we first meet German agent Count Jaggi where we first meet German agent Count Jaggi as he is writing his reports in invisible ink, more...

Russell House Hotel
In my novel, Count Jaggi stayed at the Russell House Hotel when a room was not available at the Château Laurier. The Russell was also considered an ideal spot for romantic encounters romantic encounters more...