Characters > Fictional

Mrs. Ramsey

Mrs. Ramsey is the dragon-lady that everyone dislikes and fears. Katherine MacNutt takes her with a grain of salt, but her husband, Andrew MacNutt, loathes the woman.

It is Mrs. Ramsey who introduces Katherine to Count Jaggi at a Belgian Relief meeting hosted by the Women’s Canadian Club of Ottawa.

Unfortunately, due to her wealth and position she is quite influential in local and government circles. She uses that to force the inspector to investigate suspicious German-born citizens in Ottawa.

She is very demanding and has very firm ideas of what is and is not acceptable. Everyone is wary of incurring her wrath. She does not take kindly to being ignored or ridiculed. If she does not get her way, she is not above using a variety of methods from browbeating to social innuendo to get her way or destroy a person’s social reputation.

As an imperialist she has very firm ideas about Canada’s role and place in the British Empire. She agrees wholeheartedly with Sir John A. Macdonald when he declared categorically “A British subject I was born, a British subject I will die”. She feels that Prime Minister Sir Robert Borden treated Connaught, the Governor General of Canada, shabbily and she does what she can to correct the situation.


Mrs. Ramsey was born in Chelsea, Québec on April 1961. She is the one of two children of Edgar and Alice Honeycomb. Her sister, April, lives with her husband in Calgary, Alberta. Her father was the fourth son of an English earl. He ran a hardware store while in the adjacent store her mother ran a fancy goods shop. 

She set her sights on young Wayne Ramsey, the son of a local lumber baron. They were married in Ottawa in 1879. When Wayne took over his father’s firm he increased the family fortune by investing in the nickel, copper and gold mines in northern Ontario. Sadly, Wayne died suddenly of apoplexy in May of 1899. 

After the passing of her husband, Mrs. Ramsey devoted herself to various causes. One of them was Queen’s University, in Kingston, Ontario, where she met George Monroe Grant, one of the leading Canadian advocates for an imperial federation. Grant saw the British Empire “not merely a nation or a race … but world-wide principles of freedom, justice and mercy to every people, every race, every colour, and every creed.” 

She is member of the following clubs: